
今週の「智慧研」by カイ


「A New Earth ーAwakening to Your life's Purposeー」 by Eckhart Tolle より

What really matters is not what funcion you fulfill in this world, but whether you identify with your function to such an extent that it takes you over and becomes a role that you play. When you play roles, you are unconscious. When you catch yourself playing a role, that recognition creates a space between you and the role.

Knowing yourself goes far deeper than the adoption of a set of ideas of beliefs. Spiritual ideas and beliefs may at best be helpful pointers, but in themselves they rarely have the power to dislodge the more firmly established core concepts of who you think you are, which is part of the conditioning of the human mind.

Through allowing, you become what you are: vast, spacious. You become whole. You are not a fragment anymore, which is how the ego perceives itself. Your true nature emerges, which is one with hte nature of God.

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